Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Transfer of Learning Paper

Learning takes place over the entire life span of an individual or organism.  From birth through death individuals and organisms are learning different things which help them in life and applying the learning to other processes and situations later on. Learning that takes place can transfer later on as the organism or individual go into new environments or situations that the organism or individual hasn't had experience with before. This transfer of processes and learning is very beneficial for the organisms or individuals in their life as it allows previously learned information and processes to be applied to new situations and experiences. In humans, the learning and transfer of learning can be explained using various learning theories which can be applied to the workplace. This paper will cover specific learning theories and how the methods of transfer of learning concepts applies to the workplace.  The paper will relate an example of explanations of transfer of learning and describe how the example can be generalized in the workplace.
Transfer of Learning
A transfer process or the process of transferring learning happens when a person takes the information that they have learned previously and applies that learning to new areas or situations as needed. Schunk (2012), states that transfer is an application of skills or knowledge in new ways or situations. This allows individuals to go into new situations and use the information or behaviors that were previously learned, and the individual has deemed acceptable or approved in those new situations. All of the information or processes that a person learns can be potentially transferred later on if the situation calls for it.  According to Ellis (1965), the transfer of learning is about the process where past experiences are the ones that affect the performance and the learning in a new environment.  Information gained from the past experiences applies to the new environments or situations. An individual may take information learned from schools such as reading and writing, then apply this information which is a experience to their job and thus have transferred their learning processes.
In the theory of behaviorism according to Ellis (1965), learning is centered on the awareness that behavior is acquired through conditioning that occurs through interaction with the environment and believes that behaviors can be trained, changed, and measured. When it comes to behaviorism, there are two major conditioning theories, classical conditioning in which a natural stimulus is being paired with a response and operant conditioning where learning is done through rewards or punishments to behaviors.  In conditioning behaviors through operant conditioning a person or animal is getting rewarded for displaying the correct behaviors or giving up incorrect behaviors.   For example, a person that gives their new puppy a treat or love for going to the bathroom outside is reinforcing the behavior of going to the bathroom outside while decreasing the behavior of doing it inside.  As the animal is rewarded the animal seeks to display the behavior of going outside more to get more rewards. In behaviorism, the transfer of learning still happens as the animal or human is conditioned to learn behaviors. These behaviors which the animal or human are told are acceptable can be potentially used later on in new situations or environments and the transfer of learning takes place.
Workplace Situations
 It is working for a fast food restaurant a lot of training and learning is needed. Most of the training a person receives are in the form of educational videos on harassment and properly reporting accidents or being safe at work.  As the new employee enters the new environment, they are briefed on how things work and have the trainer take them over certain things such as how to put food together, how to enter orders into the system, proper ways to bag food, and to clean.  Some information though is considered common knowledge and the individual has to use the transfer of learning to keep up with their job. According to Schunk (2012), new students and employees have to learn through experiences, teaching, or determination to succeed.  
 Individuals in the fast food environment are not trained on how to handle trash for instance.  These individuals have been trained however through behaviorism and conditioning to know that they should not take trash from food.  This is information that they learned previously that taking garbage around cooking food or food being prepared is dangerous and unsanitary.  The individuals use the prior knowledge they have on food safety to know that they shouldn't take garbage from the food.  The individuals also know that undercooked food in the fast food industry is another bad thing as it can make people sick.  In this, an individual may have had uncooked food before, and it resulted in the individual getting sick.  From this, the individual learned that undercooked food was bad.  The individual may have also been trained that not cooking food properly was bad and could lead to illness in individuals.  The individual learned previously about the need to cook food fully and properly and transferred this knowledge into the new situation of working for a fast food company. 
Learning takes place over the entire life span of an individual or organism.  From birth through death individuals and organisms are learning different things which help them in life and applying the learning to other processes and situations later on. A transfer process or the process of transferring learning happens when a person takes the information that they have learned previously and applies that learning to new areas or situations as needed. Schunk (2012), states that transfer is an application of skills or knowledge in new ways or situations. This allows individuals to go into new situations and use the information or behaviors that were previously learned, and the individual has deemed acceptable or approved in those new situations. Individuals can take this prior knowledge and apply it in a working environment such as learning that undercooked food is bad and applying it when the individual works in a restaurant.

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